YOBS who burned down a park pavillion have been labelled "idiots".

Firefighters were powerless to save the wooden structure, which stood beside the main entrance to Locke Park, Redcar.

The pavilion, which had no electricity supply, was totally destroyed in the weekend blaze, which could not have come at a worse time, as plans and a budget have been drawn up for an overhaul of the park.

Coun Dave Fitzpatrick, cabinet member for leisure with Redcar and Cleveland Council, said: "It's appalling. The facilities are there for people to use. Idiots like these are preventing people - perhaps even themselves - from using the facilities.

"We have big plans for Locke Park, including dredging the lake and re-stocking it with fish.

"It makes you wonder whether to go ahead - although we must not give in to these individuals who spoil it for the rest."

Alex Race, station officer at Redcar with Cleveland Fire Brigade, said crews arrived to find the wooden structure well alight on Saturday morning.