PLANS to develop a cycle path in Darlington have hit an obstacle.

The borough council has proposed a new route as part of a project to encourage cycling as a healthy alternative.

The path is designed to link Harrowgate Hill with the town centre but the plan is facing problems. For it to go ahead, the council must secure agreement for the path to go alongside the River Skerne, from Albert Road to John Street.

Council officials have opened talks with the three landowners whose approval is needed.

Development director John Buxton said: "The council's estates section is currently negotiating with Green Street Motors. Magnet refused to enter into negotiations.

"In June 2004, Darlington Soroptomists wrote to Gary Favell, managing director for Magnet, asking him to reconsider Magnet's position."

However, Magnet said it could not grant consent for the path because of "safety and security concerns".

The council could construct a platform off the Skerne embankment wall, although that would still require Magnet's permission. It could also wait for future redevelopment of either the Transco or Magnet sites or consider a compulsory purchase order.

The matter will be debated at an environment scrutiny committee meeting on Thursday.