A COUNCIL has revealed it is likely to overspend this year after a shortfall in revenue.

A report by officials at Chester-le-Street District Council is forecasting the annual budget will be exceeded by £163,000.

It follows an overestimation of income. Land charges are expected to bring in £35,000 less than expected and the revenue generated by the town's market will fall £17,650 short of targets.

Income from car parks is likely to be £8,000 below estimates, but is an improvement on last year, when revenue was £12,500 under.

Members' allowances are also over budget by £9,000, after councillors voted themselves a pay rise of 2.64 per cent in April this year. They saved £500 on hospitality.

For council officers, corporate training has cost £5,000 more than expected, the stress management budget is £3,500 higher than anticipated, and hospitality is £700 over budget.

The Strong Communities Advisory and Review Panel will discuss the report when it meets in the civic centre next Monday, at 6pm.