PLANS to introduce parking charges at short-stay car parks in Middlesbrough on a Sunday are to be reviewed.

Members of Middlesbrough Council's executive will meet tomorrow to discuss the proposal.

As part of setting its budget for 2004-05, the council agreed to increase car parking charges to produce additional revenue of £300,000, which is almost equivalent to a one per cent council tax increase.

This was the first increase in five years and officers from the council's transport and design service drew up a new scale of charges to achieve the target, and consultation was carried out.

However, the increases were not supported by The Town Centre Company.

It was concerned of the impact charging on a Sunday would have on Sunday trading and suggested only a £1 charge for Sundays with an increase in parking charges during the week. Members of the executive considered both proposals earlier this year and decided to opt for the transport and design service's recommendation.

The charges were implemented with the exception of Sundays as formal notification of the council's intention was required.

Again, The Town Centre Company, this time supported by The Middlesbrough Multiple Retailers Group, objected.

Now, the council's executive will review its original decision and has been given four options to look at.

They are: to re-affirm the Sunday charging decision, agree not to implement the charges, agree to postpone the charges until at least April 1 next year or implement a £1 charge in short-stay car parks on a Sunday.

Councillors will consider the options and make a decision tomorrow.