A DRUG-ADDICT who became a prostitute to feed her addiction was jailed yesterday for stealing from a pensioner.

Lucy Smith, 23, took £30 from the 80-year-old man, who befriended her, said Michael Bosomworth, prosecuting.

Smith was originally charged with robbery after she pushed the man over in a car park and took the money from him, Teesside Crown Court was told.

Paul Newcombe, in mitigation, said: "She is deeply remorseful, sorry for herself and remorseful for the hurt she has caused everybody in recent times.

"She is in no way proud of the life she has made for herself. Because of the drugs, she has no recollection of what happened on that day."

He said she was now clean of drugs.

Smith, of Ramsbury Avenue, Stockton, was jailed for eight months after she pleaded guilty to theft on June 30, and admitted breaches of a previous conditional discharge and rehabilitation order.