A RAGING husband tried to run down a Sunderland Football Club executive who had a relationship with his wife of 23 years, a court heard.

Martyn Lamb, 45, snapped when he saw Robert Oates leaving his estranged wife's home early in the morning.

Newcastle Crown Court heard how he rammed Mr Oates' BMW with his Ford Sierra, before chasing him down the street with a pick-axe handle.

Lamb then jumped back in his car and tried to run over Mr Oates as he ran away.

He continued the pursuit even after one of his tyres was punctured when he crashed into a wall while aiming for Mr Oates.

Shaun Rotledge, prosecuting, told the court how Lamb had been with his wife, Gail, since 1977, but that after she started working at Sunderland's Stadium of Light six years ago she began a relationship with Mr Oates, the club's community officer.

The court heard how Lamb attempted suicide when he found out about the affair and spent time in a psychiatric hospital.

A few days after leaving hospital he decided to confront his wife but, when he pulled up outside her house, in Ambleside Terrace, Sunderland, at about 8.30am on July 2, he saw Mr Oates leaving the house.

Lamb, of Glamis Avenue, Sunderland, admitted dangerous driving and affray.

His barrister, Christopher Morrison Morrison, told the court: "He is the kind of husband many women would be lucky and pleased to have."

Judge Maurice Carr sentenced Lamb to a community rehabilitation order for a year and disqualifed him from driving for a year.

He must pass an extended driving test before he can get behind the wheel again.

Mr Oates no longer works for the club, the court heard.