A MAN stabbed his former partner after she invited him round to her house, a court heard yesterday.

Nigel Murray, 36, was jailed for four years after Durham Crown Court heard how he slashed the woman's arm at least three times during a struggle.

Murray was carrying a knife with him when he was invited to the home of his ex-fiancee in Moorside, Consett, County Durham, in the early hours of June 20.

Ian Graham, prosecuting, said both had been drinking and tempers soon frayed.

Murray punched the woman and a fight ensued in which his ex-fiancee and her cousin struggled with him, until he produced the knife. At one point she tried to grab the knife, cutting her fingers.

Mr Graham said the incident ended when Murray grabbed some keys and fled.

The victim was treated at hospital for several deep stab wounds to the arm, which caused muscle and nerve damage, as well as other injuries to her fingers.

Murray, 36, of Welford Road, The Grove, Consett, admitted wounding with intent.

Stephen Rich, mitigating, said the relationship had lasted 18 months and, when invited by text to the woman's house, Murray believed he would be welcomed.

"He very much regrets what he did and he now knows the relationship is irreparable."