SCHOOLS in north Durham have been turning rubbish into creative artwork as part of a paper recycling scheme.

The Derwentside Schools Paper Recycling Scheme, run by Groundwork West Durham and The WasteWise Project, has presented participating schools with a free art and design resource box.

The box provides everything needed for pupils to produce hand-made recycled paper including paper-making frames and cloths, lesson plans and a book with ideas for artwork using discarded items.

The resource was developed with advice from Durham Art Specialist Teachers.

Arts Inspector Carolyn Earlam said: "I am pleased to see such a useful resource for schools, promoting a creative approach to recycling.

"The box provides some excellent ideas for artwork within the curriculum and the equipment needed to put these into practice successfully."

Sara Nixon, of The WasteWise Project, who has spoken at assemblies to raise awareness of recycling, said: "This resource provides a fun, hands-on way for children to learn the importance of recycling."

For further details about the WasteWise Project, visit the website at www. or contact Ms Nixon on 0191-373 9799.

Published: 15/11/2004