A MIDDLESBROUGH school that recruits parents to act as football coaches has won an award for its work encouraging youngsters to take part in sport.

Green Lane Primary School has been granted the Activemark award from Sport England in recognition of its commitment to increasing children's physical activity.

Headteacher Janet Lucas said: "The staff have put a lot of effort into ensuring that all children in our school have an opportunity to take part in a wide range of physical activities. The award is an endorsement of that commitment.

"We are building stronger links with parents and the local community, and have a number of initiatives in place, including a scheme run in collaboration with the Football Association to train parents as football coaches."

Sport England's acting chief executive, Roger Draper, praised the school's achievements.

He said: "We are finding more and more of our young people are becoming overweight as a result of their diet and a sedentary lifestyle.

"We need to re-emphasise the benefits of sport and physical activity to children and young people through positive first experiences at school."