A PUSH by Hartlepool to become a Fairtrade town is a step nearer after councillors backed the initiative.

Councillors unanimously passed a resolution at a recent full meeting of the Hartlepool Borough Council to support the charity.

The purpose of a Fairtrade town is to contribute to the Fairtrade Foundation's aim of tackling poverty by enabling disadvantaged producers of food products from poor countries to receive a better deal.

In supporting the campaign, the council will serve coffee and tea which carry the Fairtrade mark at its meetings and promote awareness of the initiative throughout the town.

A steering group is driving forward the Fairtrade initiative with representatives from churches, schools and colleges, the business community, the voluntary sector, local media, trade unions and the council.

Councillor Carl Richardson, chairman of the council, said: "I think it is so important to do everything we can to ensure that people in developing countries are not being exploited.

"My colleagues were unanimous in supporting this initiative and we will be actively supporting and promoting the concept of Fairtrade."

Hartlepool hopes to gain Fairtrade status by spring.