A BANNED driver tried to fool police by giving them a false name when he was caught behind the wheel for a third time.

However, the name Mark Sylvester Lindsay gave the police belonged to another disqualified driver, and he was arrested.

Lindsay, 24, of Carrside Farm, Chilton, County Durham, yesterday pleaded guilty at Consett Magistrates' Court to driving while disqualified and driving with no insurance.

The court heard how Lindsay's manager had asked him to take his Alpha Romeo car to a petrol station near Durham.

Police stopped him as he pulled out and asked for his name.

Geoffrey Taylor, prosecuting, said: "He gave a false name and false date of birth.

"It transpired this was also a disqualified driver."

The court heard how it was the third time father-of-four Lindsay, who is partially deaf, had been caught driving while disqualified.

The first offence took place last year. Magistrates gave him a further six-month ban in July after he was caught driving his blind father to an appointment.

In mitigation, the bench was told he was the only wage-earner in his household and had learnt his lesson.

Magistrates imposed a 12-month driving ban, a £200 fine and £55 costs.

For driving with no insurance, his licence was endorsed with eight penalty points.