PARENTS and carers from a Darlington estate have been slow to take up family learning courses.

Darlington Borough Council's Libraries and Community Learning Service delivers a range of family learning courses in schools in the town.

In many areas - including Mount Pleasant, Whinfield and Alderman Leach primary schools - the classes, which bring children and parents together, have been a success.

However, Christine McCallum, the service's office manager, said they had failed to generate interest at Firthmoor Primary School.

"We will be trying again in Firthmoor and running a few taster days and workshops there in the New Year," she said.

Ruth Bernstein, head of the Libraries and Community Learning Service, said the family learning scheme, funded by the Single Regeneration Budget, aims to raise achievements and encourage learning at all ages.

"We will continue to try and run the programme at the school next year," she said.