A TRAINING organisation specialising in early years training and playwork has won the backing of Schools Minister David Miliband.

Training in Childcare, which is based at Tedco, in South Shields, South Tyneside, operates as an independent college, primarily with SureStart schemes and Early Years Partnerships in South Tyneside, Sunderland and County Durham.

It was presented with an Investor in People award by Mr Miliband, who is Schools Standards Minister and MP for South Shields.

Angela Brown, founder and chief executive of Training in Childcare, said: "We have an incredibly dedicated team who really give their all to their work. They thoroughly deserve the recognition that comes with being associated with a prestigious quality award such as this."

The organisation manages childcare, early education and playwork training for parents who want to work with children, running workshops and parenting courses in the community.

It also runs professional development courses and accredited training for childcare workers.

Following interviews with members of the team, the Investor in People inspectors highlighted the sense of commitment and strong leadership in the business.

Ms Brown, who has 20 years experience in teaching and lecturing in early years education, said: "We have spent a year working towards achieving Investors in People status.

"It has been a tough but rewarding exercise and I am delighted that the hard work has paid off."