WORKERS have voted against striking in protest at the ending of car production at Jaguar's Coventry factory, it was announced yesterday.

Members of the Transport and General Workers Union, Amicus and the GMB rejected taking industrial action over the switch of production to Castle Bromwich, with the loss of 1,100 jobs.

The vote ends a union campaign to persuade Jaguar's owners Ford to reverse its decision.

In a ballot of 1,300 workers, 453 voted in favour of strikes (45 per cent), with 555 against (55 per cent). Turnout was 77 per cent.

Tony Murphy, national officer of Amicus, said: "Obviously, we are disappointed with the result, but people have been offered a lot of money to take the redundancy package and are concerned that may be withdrawn.

"The joint unions will keep pushing the company to reconsider their decision and we will continue pushing the Government for a change in the law that will help defend UK manufacturing jobs."