A WOMAN who attacked teenagers with dog chains after she had been abused while walking her pets avoided a jail sentence yesterday.

Harrogate magistrates heard how 47-year-old Theresa Hunt had snapped after been driven to despair by the antics of gangs who congregated in a park beside her home in St Marygate, Ripon, North Yorkshire.

Peter Scott, prosecuting, said Hunt had attacked a 15-year-old girl, two 15-year-old boys and one 13-year-old boy as she chased them from the park, through an arcade and into the market square.

Hunt swung a pair of dog chains round before striking out at the youngsters and at the glass door of a shop.

Her blows struck one youth on the head and another on the thighs. The youths also received injuries to their backs and arms.

Hunt pleaded guilty to four charges of assault and one of criminal damage.

Her solicitor, Richard Buchanan, said groups of teenagers often gathered in the park near Hunt's home, where they vandalised property and caused a nuisance.

Mr Buchanan said Hunt, who lived alone with her two dogs, had at times been a prisoner in her flat because of the menacing way in which the groups behaved.

Mr Buchanan said: ''They are thoughtless, selfish and without appreciation of the effect they have on others. And basically this happened out of sheer frustration.''

He said Hunt's request to be allowed to walk her dogs in peace was met with abuse so she swung a pair of choke-chains around her head and ran after her tormentors.

He urged the court to be lenient, saying she had suffered from depression for five years and had previously suffered domestic abuse.

Chairman Jane Garlick told Hunt that because of the provocation she would be sentenced to a 12-month community rehabilitation order.

Costs of £55 and compensation of £300 were also ordered.