POLICE are appealing for help to trace a father-of-two who has been missing for four weeks.

Officers are becoming increasingly concerned about 30-year-old Gary Cole, who has not been seen or in touch with his family since mid-November.

Mr Cole has family in the County Durham area but over the past few months he has been staying at the homes of friends in Stockton.

He is also one of three partners in a Stockton-based firm, Ascot and York Conservatories.

He was last seen at the Jet filling station, in Yarm Road, in Stockton, at 9.15pm on Monday, November 15.

He has not contacted any relatives, including his mother, who lives in Gainford, Teesdale, or his sister, who used to live in West Cornforth but has since moved to Sunderland.

The vehicle he was driving that night - a white Ford Escort van, registration K556 TEA, displaying the company name - has not been found either.

Detective Inspector Alan Veitch, of Bishop Auckland CID, said: "Gary Cole has been missing before, but usually only for a few days, and in the past he has always tried to make contact with his family, especially his children. The fact he has not done so on this occasion is very worrying.

"We understand he has had financial problems of late which may account for his disappearance. However, we still hope he is safe and well."

Mr Cole has two daughters, Lauren, nine, who lives with her grandmother in Gainford, and 17-months-old Poppy, who stays with her mother in Eastbourne.

He is 6ft, with short, dark receding hair, has a pronounced broken nose, grey eyes and is stocky.

Anyone with information is asked to call Durham Police on 0845-606 0365 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.