FANTASTIC costumes, terrible jokes and a beanstalk Alan Titchmarsh would be proud of... the panto season is back, and this year it's the tale of young Jack Durden and the great Giant Blunderbore delighting audiences at Middlesbrough Theatre.

Fighting the corners of good and evil are Eileen Pollock as Sycorax the Witch and Bella Emberg as the rather ungainly Fairy Thistledown.

BBC Radio Cleveland's Matthew Davies proves a hit as Dame Durden, whose striptease routine and knobbly knees fetish drew plenty of laughs from older members of the audience.

Simon Aylin as Simple Simon showed he was a fantastic children's entertainer with a marvellous fun performance and plenty of songs and participation for the kids.

The young dancers from the Thornton Academy of Dance were very good and some of the costumes were superb, particularly the bluebirds and the eerie goblins outside the giant's castle.

A few sound and set hitches on the opening night didn't detract from a very professional, enjoyable and entertaining show.

* Runs until January 9. Box Office: (01642) 815181.

Published: 14/12/2004