A MAN who attacked his girlfriend's parents has been given an 18-month community rehabilitation order.

Durham Crown Court heard how 31-year-old Wayne Jobson punched his girlfriend in the face, giving her a black eye, after getting angry following a drinking session.

Amanda Rippon, prosecuting, said Jobson went to the home of his girlfriend's parents at Cragside, Chester-le-Street, at 1am with an iron bar. They were woken by the sound of breaking glass and were confronted by Jobson who smashed panelling in the hallway and a shower room door and shouted threats.

The couple managed to subdue him and the police were called by a neighbour.

Miss Rippon added that the girl's father had suffered a heart attack since the incident and his wife was now unable to sleep.

Bob Spragg, defending, said Jobson had been good friends with his girlfriend's father.

However, the friendship turned sour when the father objected to Jobson's relationship with his daughter.

Mr Spragg added that his client had spent five months in prison on remand, but his job was being held open until the end of the year.

Jobson, of Wynyard, Chester-le-Street, who had no previous convictions, admitted affray, causing actual bodily harm and common assault.

Judge Michael Cartlidge also ordered Jobson to pay £250 compensation and made an exclusion order preventing him from contacting his victims or entering Cragside until January 15, 2007.