MIDDLESBROUGH marketing consultancy Rocket Science has recruited an academic to help in the company's research and development.

SAM LAWS, research fellow at Rocket Science, is a psychology graduate at the University of Teesside who, as part of a scheme to encourage universities and business to work together, works five days a week for the consultancy.

It is hoped she will bring new academic theory to develop innovative marketing approaches.

Under the scheme, Rocket Science pays towards the costs of a senior academic consultant to support her, and also provides income to help fund her research.

Vaughan Lonsdale, director at Rocket Science, said: "There are only one or two well-know academics in direct marketing in the UK.

"This has led to a lack of innovation in the industry, especially in the area of analytics. By bringing new blood and academic thinking into this area, we can start to really push the boundaries in terms of the way we do things, which should give us a real competitive edge within the industry

Ms Laws said: "It is very exciting to transfer knowledge into real practice - and that is exactly what my appointment at Rocket Science will enable me to do."