A PENSIONER threatened with legal action when she paid her Council Tax a week late spoke last night of her relief after the prosecution was dropped.

Derwentside District Council, in County Durham, summonsed Ivy George, 69, to appear before Consett Magistrates on Friday, for non-payment of Council Tax,

Mrs George, who missed the deadline for payment but still settled her bills, said: "I have done nothing but cry since I got the letter.

"I have never been to court in my life and I was terrified."

Mrs George, of Shield Row Gardens, Stanley, pays her rates over the counter rather than by Direct Debit.

The council offers Direct Debit customers four dates a month when the cash can leave their bank. But anyone paying by another method has to settle on the first of each month.

The council demanded Mrs George paid for January as well, a total of £172, plus court costs of £30.70.

Yesterday, after pressure from North Durham MP Kevan Jones, the council said it was dropping the case.

Mike Clark, the council's executive director, said: "Having reviewed her case and applied the flexibility that our policy allows, we will be withdrawing our summons."

But he said the policy of prosecuting late payers would remain.

Kevan Jones said: "This is welcome news for Mrs George.

"But I still think it is outrageous that Derwentside District Council are not amending their policy and are criminalising decent, law-abiding citizens like Mrs George.

"She is not alone, there are more people out there being treated the same."