CHILDREN whose Christmas presents were destroyed in a house blaze were treated to sacks of toys by firefighters yesterday.

Five-year-old Alisha Cave and her sister, Caitlin, aged 18 months, suffered smoke inhalation when a chip pan fire ripped through their home in Borough Road, Darlington, earlier this month.

The Christmas gifts waiting for them under the tree were ruined - prompting the kind-hearted firefighters, who had attended the incident, to dip into their own pockets for replacements.

The crew from Darlington fire station also persuaded local businesses to donate toys, clothing and games.

The sisters' mother, Sarah Cave, 26, was in hospital at the time of the fire, having just given birth to twins Amy and Lucy.

Her boyfriend, Nils Jollife, was taken to hospital with third degree burns on his arms and hands. He is having skin grafts to repair the damage.

Leading firefighter David Ibbertson said: "The fire destroyed the kitchen and all of the toys, and the mum was meant to be coming home the next day with the new babies.

"A lot of the lads have got kids and our hearts just went out to them.

"We had a whip round and got about ten bags of clothing, bags and bags of toys and collected money as well.

"I think they were more than happy with the stuff they got."

The children's grandmother, Janet Cave, discovered there had been a fire on December 2 when she went to the house to take them to school.

"The fire had been out for quite a while," said Mr Ibbertson. "The five-year-old had breathed in a lot of smoke and she was a little bit limp. All three went to hospital.

"When we went round, she was back to her usual self, which was great to see."

Miss Cave said: "I'm over the moon with what the firefighters have done. Nearly everything was destroyed, including all the babies' stuff."

Her mother said: "It's like Christmas has come early for them."