THE magical story of Snow White, the seven dwarfs, the evil stepmother and the dashing Prince Charming is brought to life in this spectacular pantomime.

Funny, enchanting and scary by turns, the main plot stays true to the original tale for much of the production.

Snow White's wicked stepmother, Queen Cruella, becomes jealous of her beauty. She hires a henchman to take the little girl into the woods and kill her.

But the henchman can't go through with it, and brings the Queen back the heart of a deer in a box, instead of Snow White's.

Some of the subject matter might be a little dark but it's only fleeting and the usual panto humour is in abundance throughout, mainly through the antics of Muddles, played by Crackerjack star Stu Francis, and the outrageous dame Sarah The Cook (Michael James Bachelor).

But children best loved the antics of the cheeky dwarfs as they scurried around the theatre and helped Snow White (Michelle Hardwick) find true love and happiness in the end.

The set is quite enchanting and there are plenty of great, well known songs including "Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go", and "When you wish upon a star" for young and old to join in. A great, fun pantomime for everyone.

* Runs until January 9. Box Office: (01642) 552663.

Published: 14/12/2004