A NIGHTCLUB is preparing for its busiest day of the year - a charity fundraiser.

For the past 25 years, Crocodillos, in Front Street, Chester-le-Street, has staged a pantomime on New Year's Day, which features a group of friends dressing up and miming on stage to records.

The club earlier this year handed over £12,166 from donations and bar takings of several events to the North-East Children's Cancer Charity, at the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle.

The event has become popular with revellers, attracting people from as far as Durham, Sunderland and Newcastle.

Club owner Billy Walton said: "The turnout is absolutely unbelievable. We reckon we get more than 3,000 people through the doors during the day.

"It is the busiest day by far, bigger than Christmas Eve, and some of the people have been coming for all 25 years.

"The doors open at noon and stay open until the patrons have had enough.

"The music is played by DJ Barney, who also co-ordinates the various acts. Barney has been with the show for 20 years and hopes to also go on for many years. Barney donates his wages to charity.''

Mr Walton is seeking a volunteer to collect donations from patrons. Anyone interested should call 07860 525254.

On Boxing Day, December 27, the club will be open until 2am and will be collecting and organising raffles for the NSPCC.