A STARK Christmas road safety message is being handed out to thousands of schoolchildren.

Lollipop crossing patrols are giving out 8,000 badges, carrying the Stop, Look, Listen and Live message, to youngsters across Middlesbrough.

Sixty crossing wardens will give each primary school pupil who uses their crossing, a badge which urges them to take care when crossing the road.

The badge shows Safety Squirrel - Middlesbrough Council's road safety mascot - with a Christmas tree and the words, Stop, Look, Listen and Live!

Ros Pluck is road safety officer for Middlesbrough where 13 children were either killed or seriously injured on the roads last year.

"It's a very important message. We are hoping what will happen is the children will get home where mum and dad will see the badge, prompting a conversation on road safety,'' said Mrs Pluck. "We are working very hard to reduce casualty figures."

She is also calling on drivers to be extra vigilant over the Christmas school holidays.

The Middlesbrough council team is particularly focusing on deprived areas, where more youngsters play in the street.

Mrs Pluck said: "They are out playing on the streets among parked cars, as opposed to having suburban gardens to play in.

"We would urge drivers to be more vigilant when driving through residential areas and be on the look out for children.''