STUDENTS from Hartlepool challenged Chancellor Gordon Brown to reduce poverty in the developing world.

Mr Brown was so impressed by questions by the pupils at English Martyrs School at a national lecture that he invited them to No 11 Downing Street to discuss the issue further.

The youngsters have formed a branch of Catholic aid agency Cafod and took the chance to question Mr Brown during a Cafod lecture in London.

The nine pupils at the school campaign for ending global poverty through justice for the poor, fair trade, debt cancellation and increasing aid. They also plan to hold fundraising events.

They heard Gordon Brown speak at Cafod's annual Pope Paul VI Memorial Lecture at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre last Tuesday evening.

Student Michelle Barker, 16, was chosen to ask a question during the lecture, attended by over 800 people.

Michelle said: "It was nerve-wracking but OK. He was really inspiring to listen to and it was great to have a look around Downing Street, even the Cabinet office."

Hartlepool MP Iain Wright also attended the event. He said: "I'm really proud of my young constituents."