SHOPFITTING and interiors manufacturer NJL Yorkline has appointed KAREN ROBSON and HAYLEY ANDERSON.

Ms Robson, who holds a diploma in graphic design and an HND in information design, will represent the company as a sales manager to shop owners and architects throughout the UK. Ms Anderson, who has a BA in spatial design, has been appointed head of interior design.

NJL Yorkline managing director Jamie Greenwood said: "The appointment of Karen Robson and Hayley Anderson will help us achieve our goal of bringing design, ergonomics and manufacturing excellence under one roof. With ever-increasing demands upon floor space to yield profit for shop owners, top design is an essential first step. These latest appointments will help maintain our position at the front of our field."

NJL Yorkline is based in a factory in Christon Road, Gosforth, Newcastle. Last year, turnover was more than £5m and plans are in place to increase that.