THE keys to Hambleton's newest sports arena have been handed over.

The final floodlight tests and tarmac laying were completed at the £475,000 all-weather pitch in Northallerton at the weekend.

Contractors have been working for six months to build the pitch, between Hambleton Leisure Centre and Allertonshire School.

Coun Neville Huxtable, cabinet member for health, said: "This project has been a long haul, but one well worth waiting for. Thanks to both the school and the county council.

"This pitch is an excellent facility for both the town and the district and one which I am sure is going to be very popular." The pitch will be used during the daytime by schools, but is accessible in the evenings, at weekends and during school holidays for community groups.

For details on using the pitch call Hambleton Leisure Centre on (01609) 777070.