A GROUP of youngsters blamed for anti-social behaviour have offered to make amends following a meeting with their community police officer.

An apology and pledge to stop the behaviour that has angered the community in Masham, near Ripon, came after a meeting between the youths and North Yorkshire community police officer Gareth Jones.

The meeting followed a gathering of more than 100 people at Masham Town Hall, arranged by PC Jones so the public could express their feelings on anti-social behaviour.

PC Jones said he had met a group of ten youths who made a public apology and wanted to make amends by raising some money to benefit the town - particularly the elderly, who had felt hurt or suffered in other ways as a result of the youngsters' actions.

The officer has also arranged to meet the youngsters early in the new year and is hoping to organise a sponsored charity event so they can raise money to make amends.

PC Jones said there was now a truce, and the young people had promised their behaviour would change and that they wanted to turn over a new leaf.

He said: "People should notice a difference. They want to become more responsible. They now realise how upset people have become and want to make amends."

It is not yet known what form the sponsored event will take, but it could involve an activity in the Market Place.

In a separate development, the chairman of Masham Parish Council, John Ellis, said two boys had been to his home to apologise for their actions after incidents involving a fire extinguisher.