A SCHOOLBOY accused of raping his teacher appeared before magistrates yesterday.

The 13-year-old, who was 12 at the time of the alleged incident on November 29 this year, cannot be identified for legal reasons.

The youngster wore dark sports clothes and was flanked by two male social workers when he appeared at Newton Aycliffe Magistrates' Court, in County Durham, yesterday morning.

He spoke only to confirm his name and former address.

The youngster is accused of raping the woman, who is in her 30s, after one-to-one tuition at a special education centre in County Durham.

He is also accused of stealing her car, worth £21,000, which was found abandoned in Gateshead later that day.

At yesterday's hearing, the boy was represented by Cormac Gray, with Derek Walton acting on behalf of the prosecution.

The boy was remanded into the custody of the local authority, Gateshead Council, on December 6.

He will remain in custody until his next court appearance on January 10, again at Newton Aycliffe, for committal to Crown Court.