TWO former colleagues from Skelton have teamed up to start a driving school.

Julie Craig and Deborah Strickley had previously worked together for an insurance firm and had lost touch after Mrs Strickley left the company in December 2002. However, in September last year, after Mrs Craig had also left the firm, they were reunited by chance at the Clearway Driving School where they were both undergoing driving instructor training.

Mrs Craig said: "Having started the course within months of each other, it was a total coincidence to meet back up in these circumstances.

"We had both become frustrated with our careers and were looking for something that would offer a new challenge and the flexibility to work around our children and to be in control of our own time, wages and holidays."

They decided to pool their talents and set up in business together, rather than in competition, and, after a lot of planning, personal investment and support from local business support organisations, Ab Fab Driving School was set up in October.

DHP Enterprise Ltd helped to get the business off on the right footing via Business Link's Start-up Service.

Karen Black, centre co-ordinator at DHP Enterprise Ltd, said: "Deborah and Julie have put a lot of time, hard work and effort into their business venture and I am delighted to see them start to reap the rewards. They have a unique position in the market and we will support them as they develop their business."

Gary McArthur, an account manager from Business Link who has assisted the company with sourcing funding, said: "Deborah and Julie have a unique approach to partnership working and have created an excellent business venture."