A SCHOOLGIRL was hailed a hero last night after saving a baby from a house fire.

Kelly Adington, 12, braved choking smoke to rescue Sophie Mahoney from her neighbour's burning home.

Leanne Mahoney escaped unscathed with her other children, Ashley and Jackson, from their smoke-filled terrace house in Kingston Road, Stockton.

Fire officers say the house has been left uninhabitable after the blaze in the early hours of Thursday.

Kelly, who lives next door, leapt into action after hearing Ms Mahoney's calls for help.

Her mother, Helen, said: "I am very proud of her. Leanne shouted at Kelly to go and help get the kids.

"She (Kelly) was scared and crying, but she got hold of the baby. I think she was crying because she didn't know what to do, but I don't think anyone knew."

Mrs Adlington and her 14-year-old son, Joe, joined the rescue as Kelly and Ms Mahoney passed Sophie and the other children, both toddlers, to them.

It is thought the fire was caused after an armchair, in which Ms Mahoney was asleep, was positioned too close to an electric fire.

Kelly said: "When I went into Leanne's house, I couldn't see the chair because of the flames. I was scared."

Kelly said her New Year resolutions will be to keep her room tidy and to be brave.

Station Officer Ralph Nicholson, based in Stockton, urged everyone to carry out checks that their homes were safe before going to sleep at night, particularly at this time of year when routines may be different.

In a bid to avert any repeats of the blaze over the New Year festivities, Cleveland Fire Brigade are carrying out safety checks at homes across the estate.

Mr Nicholson said: "We were already carrying out checks on the estate, but had not reached that road.''