RESIDENTS living close to a late-opening pizza takeaway shop have complained about illegal opening hours.

A letter from Middlesbrough Council informing the owners they were in breach of planning conditions at Mama Mia's Pizzeria was sent in November - but there has been no response.

Local residents in the Beechwood area of Middlesbrough yesterday described how gangs of youths gather outside the shop until the small hours of the morning.

A mother-of-two, who lives near the shop, in Saltersgill Avenue, told how footballs are constantly kicked at shop shutters.

The woman, who did not wish to be identified in fear of reprisals, said: "There is always a gang of young people hanging around the shop.

"I go to bed early at the back of the house to try and get some peace and quiet.

"Something needs to be done and the shop isn't helping by opening later than it is supposed to."

Another resident, who also refused to be named, told how glass bottles are frequently broken outside her home.

She said: "I know about the council applying for a breach against the opening hours.

"The police are around here all the time trying to control the gangs. Phone boxes have even been kicked in.

"The opening hours say they can't open on a Sunday, but they do and they are open well beyond 11.30 on a night.

"This is a residential street and I only live a couple of doors away. It causes a lot of disturbance around here."

The planning and development committee of Middlesbrough Council intends to serve a breach of condition notice on the shop.

A report by the council describes how original planning permission was granted in December 1998, which allows the business to open no later than 9pm during the week and no later than 11.30pm on a weekend. The shop should be closed on a Sunday.

Council officers found the shop operating outside the permitted times on eight occasions. The matter has also been reported to the council's evening noise patrol service.

The owner of Mama Mia's Pizzeria, Shafiq Aziz, said last night that he had only taken over the shop about two weeks ago.

He said that he was not aware of any breaches of opening hours and had not been informed of communication from Middlesbrough Council.

He said: "Since I took over here, the shop has been closing at the correct time and I'm not aware of any action by the council.

"My shop isn't the problem - it is the gangs of kids that hang around outside who the residents should be concerned about."