A YOUNG man with a clean record has been given a 12-month community rehabilitation order, after admitting assault and causing actual bodily harm.

Richard Ridout, 18, of Wadham Grove, Darlington, handed himself into police after a 14-year-old boy was assaulted in Corporation Road.

The victim sustained facial injuries in the attack.

Ridout appeared at South Durham Magistrates' Court yesterday.

Barry Smith, prosecuting, said: "It is an odd case in may ways."

The victim claimed he was assaulted by a different boy, not Ridout.

However, Ridout told police he was the main perpetrator of the attack.

Mr Smith said: "What's unusual is that Ridout went into a police station and gave himself up. He has no previous convictions."

Mr Smith said the assault was out of character and Ridout had never been in trouble.

Ridout, who was not represented by a solicitor in court, declined to say anything and did not disagree with the prosecution case.

He was ordered to pay £34 costs and a 12-month community rehabilitation order was imposed.