AN award-winning good neighbour is planning a cart load of fun for youngsters in the New Year.

Terry Dixon could not resist the challenge of restoring an old horse-drawn trap, which he bought in pieces from a traveller.

One of his friends is working on a new backboard for the cart while another is providing an aluminium axle for the wheels.

"My family owns horses and so I thought we would put the two things together,'' said Mr Dixon.

"So we have this little trap and are going to give free rides for the local kiddies.''

The 47-year-old won an award earlier in the year for transforming the cleared site of a warehouse, adjacent to his home at St Hilda's, Middlesbrough.

The site has been transformed into a pocket-sized recreation ground with mini-pitches for children's sports.

Mr Dixon said: "I enjoy doing this community work and this is just another aspect.

"It is just something else to do with the kids.''