THEY call themselves the Revellers II, but their friends know them as Pat Coleman, Audrey Fields and Carol Hull.

Tonight, they hope to have a whole community kicking up their heels to see 2005 in with style - and raise thousands for charity at the same time.

The trio are staging a big New Year's Eve party in Easingwold for the third year running and will be dividing up the proceeds among good causes.

"We will hopefully make in the region of £2,000," said Mrs Coleman. "We try to choose causes around Easingwold and the surrounding villages, although we like the donation to be a surprise."

She said they took their name from an earlier group, the Revellers, which also ran New Year's Eve dances in the town.

"They finished in the Millennium year. We didn't have a dance the next year and everyone said they missed it, so we decided to start it up again," said Mrs Coleman.

The £10-a-ticket party is at the Galtres Centre and starts at 9pm.

For tickets contact (01347) 822393.