HELP is being offered to those who have made a New Year resolution to give up smoking.

The North Yorkshire Stop Smoking Service is running a series of drop-in sessions, with Northallerton chosen as the venue for the Hambleton and Richmondshire districts.

The session, at the town hall, on Wednesday, from 10am to noon, will enable people to find out more about smoking support and get free information and advice.

They will also be able to have their carbon monoxide levels tested and find out about nicotine replacement therapy.

Dr Phil Kirby, director of public health, said: "Many smokers use the New Year as the catalyst to try to quit the habit, and they will be able to get on-the-spot help and advice from specialist smoking advisors, as well as being able to sign-up to the stop smoking clinics."

Margaret Hewitson, head of the Stop Smoking Service, said: "Research shows that people who are given support during their attempt to quit are much less likely to return to smoking than those who try to give up on their own.

"Any smokers who want any help or advice about giving up can take a couple of minutes out of their January sales shopping to speak to a specialist advisor."

Any smokers who would like more information about the North Yorkshire Stop Smoking Service can contact it directly, on (01904) 663310.

As well as Northallerton, sessions are also being held at St Helen's Church, York on Wednesday, from 9am to 6pm; the Brunswick Shopping Centre, Scarborough, on Thursday, from 9.30am to 5pm; and the Wesley Chapel, Oxford Street, Harrogate, also on Thursday, from 9am to 6pm.