THE number of accidental fire deaths in County Durham and Darlington over the past six months has dropped, latest figures reveal.

The region's fire and rescue service, which provides cover for more than 500,000 people, reported four accidental deaths from fire between July and December 2003.

There have been no such deaths in the same period this year. Brigade manager George Herbert said: "Any death from fire - deliberate or accidental - is a great tragedy and until we can report no deaths or no injuries from fire, there is still work to be done.

"I believe that the hard work by this service's staff - in particular I'd like to pay tribute to the operational crews who have carried out thousands of home fire safety checks this year - has played a significant role in bringing about this recent and welcome number in the reduction of accidental fire deaths."

County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service recently launched an arson reduction strategy, with Durham Constabulary.