THOUSANDS of North-East householders are risking a hefty fine because they are unaware of new laws affecting electrical work in the home.

From tomorrow, all significant electrical work has to be undertaken by a qualified electrician or checked by local authority building inspectors.

A survey by British Gas found that more half of householders in the region quizzed - 57 per cent - did not know about the change and could face a fine of up to £5,000 if they don't comply with the new law.

Government figures show that last year ten people died and 750 were seriously injured in accidents involving botched electrical work.

Neil Dickinson, chief electrical engineer at British Gas, said: "These new regulations should do for the electrical industry what Corgi has done for the gas industry - raise standards and improve safety.

"DIY enthusiasts will still be able to carry out some minor jobs around the home but our advice would be to check first with a qualified electrician.

"Doing it yourself could put you at risk of a serious injury, never mind the wrath of the local building inspector."

Homeowners can still replace accessories, such as lights, sockets and switches on their own.

But a complete rewiring job for a home or changing a fuse box would have to be undertaken by a qualified electrician or be checked by inspectors.

Anyone requiring more guidance should contact their council or check a summary of the rules at