A CATHOLIC priest has risked controversy by naming a talent competition for the Middlesbrough diocese Pope Idol, after the TV series, Pop Idol.

Father John Paul Leonard, 40, who is the diocese's new youth service chief, said he was slightly worried about it being irreverent, but it was too good a pun to miss.

"I'm sure the Pope would find it amusing. Certainly young people do."

He took the precaution of running the idea past several people, including Mgr Ricardo Morgan, vicar-general of the Middlesbrough diocese, which covers most of North Yorkshire, and his own father.

"My dad was quiet about the title, but I reassured him about it. Mgr Ricardo is a potential judge in view of his experience as a professional dancer before he became a priest," said Fr Leonard, who is based at St Mary's Cathedral, Coulby Newham.

Auditions are now being held for the competition, which promises prizes of a £200 musical instrument voucher and time in a recording studio.

The dozen finalists will compete for the Pope Idol title at an evening of entertainment on March 5 at Middlesbrough Theatre.

"There is a lot of talent in the diocese with every school having two bands. I hope some of the entrants will be workers as well as students. It will not only be open to Catholics,' said Fr Leonard.

His aim is to raise money so nearly 50 young people can attend the world youth day in Cologne during a week-long visit in August.

Each pilgrim is being asked to pay £300, but Fr Leonard hopes parishes will help where needed. "I don't want a lack of money to put anyone off."

Fr Leonard is a former accountant, was born in Middlesbrough and still plays five-a-side football every week. His ambition for the diocesan youth service is to revive support for young people in parishes, which had "fallen away in the last few decades.