FIRE chiefs are backing plans for a smoking ban in a market hit by a devastating blaze six years ago.

The £1m fire that seriously damaged Newcastle's Victorian-built Grainger Market is believed to have been started by a discarded cigarette.

Next week, councillors will decide whether to press ahead with plans to ban smoking in the restored Grainger Market and nearby Greenmarket.

If they agree, consultations will be carried out before any ban comes into operation.

No objections have been received so far, but the plan will need Government approval, which will means a further chance for people to comment.

In a letter to Newcastle City Council, Alan Holmes, Tyne and Wear's deputy chief fire officer, said the service was strongly in favour of a ban in both markets, particular Grainger Market.

The Grade I-listed market, built in 1835, was nearly lost during the blaze in March 1998, but was saved by firefighters.