HOUSEHOLDERS across Hartlepool are urged to recycle their Christmas trees.

The annual kerbside service offered by Hartlepool Borough Council began on Tuesday and will continue until next Thursday.

More than 1,600 trees were recycled last year, compared with 1,309 the year before, and it is hoped a collection record will be set this year.

Clare Belcher, the council's recycling officer, said: "The collections are just one part of our ongoing commitment to the environment."

Collections will continue in the Throston and Dyke House wards today, Burn Valley and Grange wards tomorrow, Park, Foggy Furze and Rift House wards on Monday, Stranton and Seaton wards on Tuesday, Owton and Fens wards on Wednesday, and Rossmere ward and the villages of Greatham and Newton Bewley next Thursday.

* Residents in Middlesbrough can recycle their Christmas trees with help from the council.

For a one week period, starting on Monday, people can call the council's contact centre to arrange to have their tree collected.

During office hours from Monday to Friday residents can call (01642) 726001.

People who choose to dispose of their own trees can take it to the civic amenity site at Haverton Hills, which is open seven days a week from 8am to 6pm.