VILLAGERS supporting plans for a house with a grass roof are expecting to see them rejected.

Despite receiving eight letters in favour of the development in Hardraw, near Hawes, Wensleydale, the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority is expected to refuse the application.

Applicant Howard Buffett said the development at Croft Farm would create a meadow of international importance.

However, that was disputed by the national park authority's ecologist, Tim Thom.

He said: "The applicant makes a substantial case that the development is of wider ecological significance in terms of delivery of biodiversity action plan targets and European protected habitats.

"While I am satisfied that the proposal will have a net ecological benefit to the immediate location, I feel that the applicant has rather overplayed the wider significance of this proposal, particularly given the small area of habitat being created."

In a letter to the authority, Hardraw resident Allan Tunningley said: "The development would represent a considerable improvement to the former, now derelict, Croft Farm stock sheds, which are, frankly, an eyesore.

"In my opinion, by allowing the demolition of the derelict farm buildings and the construction of the earth-sheltered house, the planning authority would be benefiting not just the applicant, but also the residents of Hardraw and visitors to the village.

"In truth, the development would not harm anyone."

Officers will recommend the application be refused at a meeting on Tuesday.