POLICE chiefs have hailed a Christmas blitz on binge-drinking a success.

Officers from the south division of Durham Police took part in the crackdown - a Home Office initiative involving forces across the country - from December 17 to January 3.

The aim was to target venues selling alcohol to under-18s and issue fines for drunk and disorderly behaviour.

Chief Inspector Graham Hall said: "The view of the police is that there was not a large amount of disorder which is extremely encouraging. We did increase patrols and the campaign was successful in terms of raising awareness amongst the trade.

"It created improved working between local places, local door staff and the police."

During the campaign, police in the south division - which covers Bishop Auckland, Sedgefield, Wear Valley, Teesdale and Darlington - arrested 16 people for being drunk and disorderly.

Ch Insp Hall said a significant number were given £80 fines.

Officers visited 204 licensed premises and detected one offence of an underage sale of alcohol. They made 45 visits to off-licensed premises, where no offences were committed.