THE hills of Teesdale are to come alive with the Sound of Music as pupils prepare to stage the musical next week.

More than 150 children at Staindrop Comprehensive School are performing the show at the school next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

The cast are from years seven to ten, and year 11 pupils are helping backstage.

Teacher Karen Hunt, who is helping to produce and direct the play, said: "We've been rehearsing all this week and it's going really well.

"It's based on the original musical and has all the popular songs in. The children are really looking forward to it.

"But it's going to be very busy because once we've finished this, we more or less go straight into rehearsals for our next production which will be the Wizard of Oz, with music from Abbamania and the Brat Pack."

The Sound of Music starts at 6.15pm each night and tickets cost £3 for adults, £2 concessions and £9 for a family ticket.

To reserve tickets, call the school on (01833) 660285.

Published: 21/01/2005