RESIDENTS can have their say on the plans for alleygates in North Ormesby.

Tees Valley Housing Group (TVHG) has organised a series of meetings to outline the timetable and location for the proposed £650,000 programme.

The scheme will be brought in for back alleys near 800 homes, which will be shut off with a gate and only residents will have keys.

Rayees Rashid, project co-ordinator for TVHG, said: "There is huge support for installing gates, but if there is an area where residents have a difference of opinion we will have to make a decision one way or the other.

"We will probably go with the majority view so we want a good turn out at the meetings."

The aim of the initiative is to stop opportunistic thieves from getting into the alleys to slash bin bags in search of credit card details, as well as keeping dogs away and preventing youths congregating.

Middlesbrough councillor Barry Coppinger said: "We are very pleased that the programme is now under way.

"We have used information gathered from the police and fire brigade to put together the timetable."

The first of the three consultation meetings takes place tonight at North Ormesby Youth and Community Centre, in Derwent Street, between 6.30pm and 7.30pm.