SEVEN cemetery buildings, including a former mortuary, have been put up for sale.

And prospective buyers have been quick off the mark, calling for details within hours of the sale boards going up at the east Cleveland graveyards.

Up for sale are two former chapels in Skelton, a cemetery lodge in Guisborough, a former lodge, two redundant chapels and a disused mortuary, all in Redcar.

Richard Johnson, principal valuer with Jarvis, strategic partners with Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council, said: "We had a few names of people who were already on our mailing list - about 90 - looking for properties for conversion. They are a mixture of local builders and members of the public."

But within hours of sale boards going up, Jarvis took calls from a further 20 prospective buyers.

He said people asking for sales details and a tender pack would be required to submit a sealed bid. All bids will be considered following a closing date.

He said: "We are being sensitive to the cemetery environment. Properties will be subject to restrictive covenants. It is only the property itself that's for sale, not the surrounding land or gravestones.''

Anyone interested is asked to call (01642) 777918.