A DRIVE to rid Sedgefield's streets of dumped cars is to be extended.

Sedgefield Borough Council joined almost 200 local authorities across the country to declare an amnesty on abandoned or unwanted vehicles for two weeks in January. The council's offer to waive its usual recovery charge to move vehicles off the streets and dispose of them without charge will now run until at least the end of February.

Since the initial two-week campaign, 36 vehicles have been towed away and either scrapped or donated to the fire service for training.

Eric Beavers, public health services manager, said: "A car just left standing in the street can be dangerous and annoying for the neighbourhood, whether they just look awful or if vandals target them by breaking windows, letting tyres down or even setting them alight.

"We will soon have new legislation to give us greater powers to remove abandoned cars, so now is a good time to take advantage of the amnesty. They just need to sign it over to us and we'll sort out the rest."

For details, call (01388) 816166.