POLICE are investigating after vandals caused £500 damage on an allotment site.

About ten poly tunnels were slashed and greenhouse windows were broken on Newton Hall Allotment Association's land near Bek Hall, Newton Hall, on Monday night.

Association treasurer Keith Forster said: "They have ripped ten tunnels in several places with something like a Stanley knife.

"The members are growing things like leeks, tomatoes, peppers and chrysanthemums. We have had vandalism before, but not on this scale.

"Some members are thinking of packing it all in. There was also damage to a bus shelter and a telephone kiosk in Newton Hall the same night.

"The boundary fence is 7ft high, topped with barbed wire and there are hawthorn trees planted around. The kids must have got in where there is a gap."

Mr Forster said gangs of youngsters often gathered near the site.

He said: "We never see any police walking around on the estate. They cannot be everywhere, but it would be nice to see them walking around."

Police said they were looking into the incident.