A PENSIONER was saved by fellow patients after suffering a heart attack at cardiac support group.

Ted Reilly, 67, was attending the first of his classes recommended to help him recover from a quadruple heart bypass.

The massive attack stopped his heart but the coronary nurse taking the session, helped by others, rushed to the rescue.

Patient Marie Hutchinson grabbed a Heartstart defibrillator and, with the help of leisure centre lifeguards Gordon Cary and Alan Towers, revived him.

Mr Reilly, from East Herrington, Sunderland, said: "If you are going to have a heart attack, you might as well have one when you're at a cardiac support group.

"I have seen the result from the defibrillator trace and I was medically dead.

"Before this happened, I felt like I was living on borrowed time, now I feel like it is double-borrowed time."

Ms Hutchinson, Mr Cary and Mr Towers have received Royal LifeSavers awards for their actions.