A PROJECT giving support to elderly people in their own homes in Darlington is appealing for volunteers.

The WRVS has launched the scheme to give pensioners the kind of "low-level" help a relative or neighbour might provide, such as supermarket shopping or lifts in the car.

So far, 50 people have registered to benefit from the scheme, but the WRVS has had to bring in volunteers from outside Darlington.

Rosemary Raine-Howe, from the WRVS, told a meeting on the Firthmoor estate: "What I want is to have local people who literally live round the corner from the people they are helping. That's the vision.

"It's the little things, the simple things, that we are trying to provide that can make all the difference."

To volunteer, or find out more about the scheme, call (01325) 366682.